Friday, September 23, 2011

Stamp Collectors Urged to Come Out of the Closet

The Canada's Your Ottawa Region website, reports, "Gus Quattrocchi [shown here] has been collecting stamps for almost as long as he has been on this earth – and that’s a long time, considering he’ll be 90 this year."

Quattrocchi believes there are a lot of closet collectors and would like more to join  the Perth Stamp Club.

He's quoted in the article as saying, “All of our meetings are an educational experience, where members can talk about and show what they are interested in, each taking a turn at a chosen meeting if they desire, with the schedules made up twice a year.”

Quattrocchi says there is more to collecting stamps than just placing them in an album.

“There are papers, tagging, perforations, meters, covers, postal history, revenues and a lot more. If you are a collector or interested in learning more, attend a meeting, they are free and you just might want to come back and start enjoying your chosen hobby to its fullest,” he said.

To read the entire article, click here.

To find a club in your local area, click here.

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